Friday, July 2, 2010

My Livestrong Challenge

This was printed on a message to all my facebook friends.  Please check back for updates and the donation links.

In this event I have added everyone on my friends list.  That means for one reason or another I know you, are friends with you or am married to you.

What some of you may know is that my mom was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer last year.  What most of you don't know is that over the past 20 years I have lost way too many friends to this horrible disease.  From friends I have watched in their final days to those whom I have regrettably lost touch with.   I think about all of them all the time.  I think about what I could have done to help them or their families.  What I discovered is that I needed to do something now.

I started riding a "racing" bike at the age of 13.  I rode all over Albuquerque, everyday of every summer.  Though by my senior year I had put the bike aside until I started riding again in the mid 90s.  About 5 years ago I stopped again and gained an inordinate amount of weight.  Given a bike by one of my best friends, I started to ride again only to be held up a year until I had a knee fixed.  That was literally a year ago.  I have lost over 40 lbs and have put thousands of miles beneath my wheels. 

At the same time, Lance Armstrong returned to the pro pelaton and he had a great impact on me.  He rode a Time Trial bike that had the words "Never Forget Your Beginnings" on the top tube (the danger tube).  I remember my beginnings very well.  It started with my mom and all she has given me.  But I had given so little back  and when I saw that top tube I remembered that I had forgotten.  I needed to do something, so I got my knee fixed and I got on the bike

So, here I am a year later with the Tour de France starting tomorrow and I decided I needed to do something for those who need it the most.  Those suffering with cancer and their families.

And here I get to the point of this event.  I want your help.  I want your friend's help.  I want your friend's friends' help.  In the next day or 2 I will post the link to a page where you can donate your hard earned money to the Livestrong foundation.  Just click and donate.

Now I know it is hard for people to give up money when money is tight so I have decided to give you all a chance at getting something back.  Each month I will raffle off a prize to be won to those who chose to donate.  Each $10 a person donates will be 1 entry in that month's raffle.  One winner will be drawn from the entries.

The prize for July will be an original  16"x20" framed photographic print by myself.  My very popular "Wild Daisy at Sunset"  Seen here:

Now, if I don't have contact info on the people who donate I can't call them so they need to come to this event or email me at

So what is my part in all this? Obviously the ride, and more riding.  I hope that by the end of October to have 2000 miles ticked off the odometer.  Every mile is for my mom, every pedal stroke for those whom have lost their lives to cancer and every heart beat to those who will fight the good fight.

Second Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight.
I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith.

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